Hubble Crossword 67 - Annotated solution *=Anagram ACROSS 8 Yokel grabbed by offensive son in bushes (8) THICKETS - bushes (def) from HICK (Yokel) grabbed by TET (offensive) S (son) 9 Passing English decline (6) ELAPSE - Passing (def) from E (English) LAPSE (decline)y 10 Name-dropping uncle's diabolical idea (4) CLUE - idea (def) from U(n)CLE* (diabolical Name-dropping uncle) 11 Don't be fooled by modifications to eg the hours (3,7) SEE THROUGH - Don't be fooled by (def) from EG THE HOURS* (modifications to) 12 Scoundrel deporting mother from city in Europe (6) ROTTER - Scoundrel (def) from deporting DAM (mother) from RotterDAM (city in Europe) 14 In Coney Island, bottom-pinching admirer repelled by one swimmer (4,4) TUNA FISH - swimmer (def) from TUSH (in Coney Island, bottom) pinching NAF (admirer=FAN repelled) by I (one) 15 One learns from boss leading hospital department (7) STUDENT - One learns (def) from STUD (boss) leading ENT (hospital department) 17 Crackpot wanting international to track a large list of events (7) ALMANAC - list of events (def) from MAN(i)AC (Crackpot wanting international) to track A (a) L (large) 20 Takes care of issue new arrival poses (4-4) BABY-SITS - Takes care of issue (def) from BABY (new arrival) SITS(poses) 22 Matelot went yachting partly to obtain score (6) TWENTY - score (def) from MateloT WENT Yachting partly 23 Maybe Oxford graduate with ruler's working at last? (10) SHOEMAKING - working at last? (def) from SHOE (Maybe Oxford) MA (graduate) with KING (ruler) 24 Car from Michigan setter disposed of for a dollar (4) BUCK - dollar (def) from BU(i)CK (Car from Michigan setter disposed of) 25 "𝘔𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘢𝘭 𝘐𝘴 𝘎𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵" Little Richard sung (6) FABRIC - Material (def) from FAB (is great) and homophone (sung) of RIC (RICK=Little Richard) 26 Sandown resident is one I malign (8) ISLANDER - Sandown resident is one (def) from I SLANDER (malign) DOWN 1 Case dismissed! Pay up (5,3) SHELL OUT - Pay up (def) from SHELL (case) OUT (dismissed) 2 Spots larcenies regularly (4) ACNE - Spots (def) from lArCeNiEs regularly 3 Thicker partners in game overwhelmed by rising grass (6) DENSER - Thicker (def) from N(orth)S(outh) (partners in game) overwhelmed by DEER (rising grass) 4 Advancements of insects swarming over small church (7) ASCENTS - Advancements (def) from ANTS (insects) swarming over S (small) CE (church) 5 Sozzled, Thelma's drinking no spirit (8) METHANOL - spirit (def) from THELMA* (Sozzled) containgin (drinking) NO 6 Turned up around university's stone facade (10) CAMOUFLAGE - facade (def) from CAME (Turned up) around OU (university) FLAG (stone) 7 A long time supporting American customs (6) USAGES - customs (def) from AGES (A long time) supporting US (American) 13 European clergyman visiting Turkey on vacation brings playthings (5,5) TEDDY BEARS - playthings (def) from E (European) DD (clergyman) contained in (visiting) TY (Turkey on vacation) BEARS brings 16 Lives in suspicion - that's annoying (8) NUISANCE - that's annoying (def) from IS (Lives) in NUANCE (suspicion) 18 Objects when claret is spilled (8) ARTICLES - Objects (def) from CLARET IS* (spilled) 19 Like poorly in-patient at first on run home for pain reliever (7) ASPIRIN - pain reliever (def) from AS (Like) P(oorly) I(n-patient) (at first) on R (run) IN (home) 21 Hammer wood above retreat (6) ASHRAM - retreat (def) from RAM (Hammer) ASH (wood) above 22 Time to replace bishop in word game switch (6) TOGGLE - switch (def) from T(b)OGGLE (T=Time to replace B=bishop in word game) 24 Get rid of husband finally in difficult situation (4) BIND - difficult situation (def) from BIN (Get rid of) D (husbanD finally)