Hubble Crossword 65 - Annotated solution *=Anagram ACROSS 1 Cleaning ladies parade naked in front of drapes (11) LAUNDRESSES Cleaning ladies (def) from (f)LAUN(t) (parade naked) in front of DRESSES (drapes) 7 Snake around station platform initially (3) ASP Snake (def) from first letters (initially) of Around Station Platform 9 Orlando john regularly released gas (5) RADON gas (def) from alternative letters (regularly released0 of oRlAnDo jOhN 10 A worrier fretting about rear of kibbutz's fencing material (5,4) RAZOR WIRE fencing material (def) from A WORRIER* (bothered) covering (over) Z (rear of kibbutz) 11 Cavalry rush to mount stinger? (8) HORSEFLY mount stinger (def) from HORSE (Cavalry) FLY (rush). Horseflies can sting mounts 12 Group of countries like Spain and Sweden making decrees (6) UKASES decrees (def) from UK (Group of countries) AS (like) E (Spain) and S (Sweden) 14 Regretted providing revolutionary with uniform (4) RUED Regretted (def) from U (uniform0 in RED (revolutionary) 15 Frightened, little Edward admits mistakes touring Iran's capital (10) TERRORISED Frightene (def) from TED (little Edward) containng (admits) ERRORS (mistakes) containing (touring) I (Iran's capital) 18 One expecting honour to be presented to head nun by last priest (6-2-2) MOTHER-TO-BE One expecting (def) from OBE (honour) to be presented to MOTHER (head nun) by T (last priest) 19 Expert commonly working with ruler (4) ONER Expert commonly (def) from ON (working) with ER (ruler) 22 Silence Republican president's bird (6) SHRIKE bird (def) from SH (Silence) R (Republican) IKE (president) 24 Win a part changing into finery (3,5) WAR PAINT finery (def) from WIN A PART* (changing) 26 Critics on TV audiences (9) REVIEWERS Critics (def) from RE (on) VIEWERS (TV audiences) 27 Why male calf essentially can be killed this way (5) HALAL killed this way (def) from internal letters (essentially) of wHy mALe cALf 28 Uncovered designs for internally linked IT equipment (3) LAN internally linked IT equipment (def) from (p)LAN(s) (Uncovered designs) 29 Upset as parent was in European revolt (8,3) PEASANTS WAR European revolt (def) from AS PARENT WAS* (Upset) DOWN 1 Hound one that can't walk gracefully (7) LURCHER Hound (def) one that can't walk gracefully (def) 2 Experienced a French river (9) UNDERWENT Experienced (def) from UN (a French) DERWENT (river) 3 German article covering director's first threat (6) DANGER threat (def) from DER (German article) covering ANG (director ANG Lee's first name) 4 Term Nelson used to generate sign-ups (10) ENROLMENTS sign-ups (def) from TERM NELSON* (used to generate) 5 Measure expressions of wistfulness on the radio (4) SIZE Measure (def) from homophone (on the radio) of SIGHS (expressions of wistfulness) 6 Attackers of seniors grabbing mobility aid (8) STRIKERS Attackers (def) from SRS (seniors) grabbing TRIKE (mobility aid) 7 Alternative name of boxer playing a part (5) ALIAS Alternative name (def) from ALI (boxer) AS (playing a part) 8 Happy with rent in empty flat (7) PLEASED Happy with (def) from LEASE (rent) in P(a)D (empty flat) 13 Travelling in Saab surrounded by region's large body of water (7,3) ARABIAN SEA large body of water (def) from IN SAAB* (Travelling) surrounded by AREA (region) 16 Partial to seasons in LA working for relatives (4-2-3) SONS-IN-LAW relatives (def) contained in (Partial to) seaSONS IN LA Working 17 Ask for assistance to recognise marine plant audibly (4,4) SEEK HELP (def) from 18 In wind, didn't catch announcement on test's over being cancelled (7) MISTRAL wind (def) from homophone (announcement) of MISSED (didn't catch) on (o)RAL (test's over being cancelled) 20 Child's toy reptile (7) RATTLER Child's toy (def) reptile (def) 21 Consequence of winning try (6) UPSHOT Consequence (def) from UP (winning) SHOT (try) 23 Politician finally supporting party flyer (5) RAVEN flyer (def) from N (politiciaN finally) supporting RAVE (party) 25 Star girl leaving US city (4) VEGA Star (def) from (las) VEGA(s) (girl leaving US city)