Hubble Crossword 58 - Annotated solution *=Anagram ACROSS 1 Relish jam (6) PICKLE - Relish (def) jam (def) 5 Exhibit cereal bowl (8) BRANDISH - Exhibit (def) from BRAN (cereal) DISH (bowl) 9 Sharing spirit held by prospective MP at Hickstead (8) EMPATHIC - Sharing spirit held (def) contained in (held by) prospectivE MP AT HICkstead 10 Bellringer who made curs drool? (6) PAVLOV - (cryptic def) Pavlov conditioned dogs to salivate at the sound of a bell 11 Old Bob's coin pitchers in Cologne containers (5,7) SCENT BOTTLES - Cologne containers (def) from S (Old Bob's) CENT (coin) BOTTLES (pitchers) 13 Record of police officer touring Iceland (4) DISC - Record (def) from DC (police officer) around (touring) IS (Iceland) 14 Put away rat's food source in school (4,4) TUCK SHOP - food source in school (def) from TUCK (Put away) SHOP (rat) 17 Produce surface moisture for each cone (8) PERSPIRE - Produce surface moisture (def) from PER (for each) SPIRE (cone) 18 Contributions of trees president has left (4) ALMS - Contributions (def) from (p)ALMS (trees president has left) 20 Go over to surrender again (12) RECAPITULATE - Go over (def) from RE CAPITULATE (surrender again) 23 Fools clutching posh mantles (6) CLOUDS - mantles (def) from CLODS (fools) containing (clutching) U (posh) 24 Gained access to contents of item from 12 (8) UNCORKED - (cryptic def) 25 Weed only announced in lake (8) GRASMERE - lake (def) from homophoie (announced) of GRAS(s) (weed) MERE (only) 26 Married friend on the way back with hanging piece(6) DEWLAP - hanging piece (def) from reversal (on the way back) of WED (Married) PAL (friend) DOWN 2 Sounds like setter's foot (4) IAMB - foot (def) from homophone of I AM (setter's=setter is) 3 Ask twice about new PC broken in bags (9) KNAPSACKS - bags (def) from ASKASK NPC* (about and broken) 4 Memories Ethiopian leader chose badly (6) ECHOES - Memories (def) from E (Ethiopian leader) CHOSE* (badly) 5 Second toast for film (4,2,3,6) BACK TO THE FUTURE - film (def) from BACK (Second) toast (TO THE FUTURE) 6 Suggestion for programme on fish (8) APPROACH - Suggestion (def) from APP (programme) on ROACH (fish) 7 Old poet getting up on time, the sod (5) DIVOT - sod (def) from reversal (getting up) of OVID (old poet) on T (time) 8 Could be more roosts where stock is held (10) STOREROOMS - where stock is held (def) from MORE ROOSTS* (Could be) 12 Vintage storage location (4-6) WINE-CELLAR - Vintage storage location (cryptic def) 15 Son's pains to show off mannequin in field? (9) SCARECROW - mannequin in field (def) from S (Son's) CARE (pains) CROW (to show off) 16 Huge problem for magazine (3,5) BIG ISSUE - Huge problem (def) magazine (def) 19 Organised police unit is bad (6) RANCID - bad (def) from RAN (Organised) CID (police unit) 21 Like capturing all the same borders (5) ABUTS - borders (def) from AS (Like) containing (capturing) BUT (all the same) 22 Incite leader's demotion in letter (4) BETA - letter (def) from ABET (Incite) with first letter moevd to bottom (leader's demotion)