Hubble Crossword 55 - Annotated solution *=Anagram ACROSS 9 Ask club for tinder (9) TOUCHWOOD - tinder (def) from TOUCH (Ask) WOOD (club) 10 None endure fruit (5) OLIVE - fruit (def) from O (None) LIVE (endure) 11 Loads and loads of paper (5) REAMS - Loads (def) loads of paper (def) 12 Fervency of stormy green seas (9) EAGERNESS - Fervency (def) from GREEN SEAS* (stormy) 13 Highest point of 26 always attracting pests essentially (7) EVEREST - Highest point of 26 (def) from EVER always attracting pESTs (pests essentially) 14 Ancient Asian city misspelt (no aitch) (7) ANTIOCH - Ancient Asian city (def) from NO AITCH* (misspelt) 17 Starters of broth and icaco with key ingredient in dish (5) BALTI - dish (def) from B I (Starters of Broth and Icaco) containing ALT (with key ingredient) 19 Note trough being flung about (3) DOH - Note (def) from reversal (being flung about of HOD (trough ) 20 Food consumed between tiramisu and shitakes (5) SUSHI - Food (def) consumed between tiramiSU and SHItakes 21 One who complains has turn in warmer surroundings (7) WHINGER - One who complains (def) from HINGE (turn) in W R (warmer surroundings) 22 Having two cuppas before starting upstairs in French house (7) CHATEAU - French house (def) from CHA TEA (two cuppas) before U (starting upstairs) 24 Arbitrator's order to friends: 'Add piece!'(9) OMBUDSMAN - Arbitrator (def) from OM (order) to BUDS (friends) adding MAN (piece) 26 What about craft producing mould? (5) EARTH - mould (def) from EH (What) about ART (craft) 28 Secures and seals (5) LOCKS - Secures (def) seals (def) 29 Passed stolen balls before (9) OVERTAKEN - Passed (def) from OVER (balls) TAKEN (stolen) DOWN 1 Principal featured when left-winger departed (4) STAR - Principal (def) from STAR(red) (featured when RED (left-winger) departed) 2 Poison remedy after ingesting bits of arsenic (6) CURARE - Poison (def) from CURE (remedy) after ingesting bits of AR (arsenic) 3 Buzzing hip swinger on the move (10) WHISPERING - Buzzing (def) from HIP SWINGER* (on the move) 4 Very fast water in Hampshire (6) SOLENT - water in Hampshire (def) from SO (Very) LENT (fast) 5 Circle on chart featuring hoax measuring device (8) ODOGRAPH - measuring device (def) from O (Circle) on GRAPH (chart) containing (featuring) DO (hoax) 6 Pig getting nothing in pub (4) BOAR - Pig (def) from O (nothing) in BAR (pub) 7 Cover is broken ensnaring yard governors? (8) VICEROYS - governors (def) from IS COVER* (broken) ensnaring Y (yard) 8 Pins that may be pulled teasingly (4) LEGS - Pins (def) from may be pulled teasingly (pull one's leg) 13 Stagger around after bishop leaves joint (5) ELBOW - joint (def) from reversal (around) OF WO(b)BLE after B (bishop) leaves 15 Witnesses rewriting of statements (10) TESTAMENTS - Witnesses (def) from STATEMENTS* (rewriting of) 16 Poem, first rate, shared by Hungary and the United Kingdom, coming up (5) HAIKU - Poem (def) from AI (first rate) contained (shared) by H (Hungary) and KU (UK on the rise) 18 Call up for player is relaxed (4,4) LAID BACK - relaxed (def) from LAID (Call=dial) reversed (up) BACK (player) 19 Leap over revolutionary space where R. Walkham may be found (8) DARTMOOR - where R. Walkham may be found (def) from DART (Leap) over MOOR (revolutionary ROOM=space) 22 One leaves cone-carriers to consult (6) CONFER - consult (def) from CON(i)FERS (One leaves cone-carriers) 23 Success as a thousand come up to support Elizabeth getting on after university (6) EUREKA - Success (def) from KA (a thousand come up) to support E (Elizabeth) getting RE (on) after U (university) 24 Artworks the Italian charts producers possess (4) OILS - Artworks (def) from OS (charts producers) possessing IL (the Italian) 25 You and me visiting Denmark in gloomy period (4) DUSK - gloomy period (def) from US (You and me) visiting DK (Denmark) 27 Backward deer (4) HIND - Backward (def) deer (def)