Hubble Crossword 53 - Annotated solution *=Anagram ACROSS 1 Believe broadcast about obstruction in Berlin once (7) SWALLOW - Believe (def) from SOW (broadcast) about WALL (obstruction in Berlin once) 5 Old hair cutter finding note behind food shop (7) DELILAH - Old hair cutter (def) from LAH (note) behind DELI (food shop) 9 Justify Hubble leading most of ceremony (5) MERIT - Justify (def) from ME (Hubble) leading RIT(e) (most of ceremony) 10 On the way home before trains rescheduled at end of August (2,7) IN TRANSIT - On the way (def) from IN (home) before TRAINS* (rescheduled) at T (end of August) 11 Beyond doubt club fit to take on mission (14) UNQUESTIONABLE - Beyond doubt (def) from UNION (club) ABLE (fit) containing (to take on) QUEST (mission) 13 Miss love attending US college (4) OMIT - Miss (def) from O (love) attending MIT (US college) 14 Flyer from planet's hard contemptible person (5,3) MARSH TIT - Flyer (def) from MARS (planet) H (hard) TIT (contemptible person) 17 Teacher heard doctor's abuse (8) MISTREAT - abuse (def) from MIS homophone (heard) of MISS (teacher) TREAT (doctor) 18 Band's very keen to entertain last of fans (4) HOST - Band (def) from HOT (very keen) to entertain S (last of fans) 21 At the same time noises mutually disrupted (14) SIMULTANEOUSLY - At the same time (def) from NOISES MUTUALLY* (disrupted) 23 Way to fly or droop, say, coming back around top (4-5) HANG-GLIDE - Way to fly (def) from HANG (droop) GE (say=EG, coming back) around LID (top) 24 Happy to receive new organ (5) GLAND - organ (def) from GLAD (Happy) to receive N (new) 25 See angle before lens, for example (4-3) FISH-EYE - lens, for example (def) from EYE (See) sith FISH (angle before) 26 Following the girl, naked swimmer's put under cover (7) SHEATHE - put under cover (def) from SHE (the girl) followed by bATHEr (naked swimmer) DOWN 1 Aforesaid titled lady's small for duke (4) SAME - Aforesaid (def) from dAME (titled lady) with S (small) for D (duke) 2 Dense rainstorms battered administrative divisions (15) ARRONDISSEMENTS - administrative divisions (def) from DENSE RAINSTORMS* (battered) 3 Make bigger rent (3,3) LET OUT - Make bigger (def) rent (def) 4 Quaint detective on the radio (6) WHIMSY - Quaint (def) from homophone (on the radio) of WIMSEY (detective= Lord Peter Wimsey) 5 Almost routine to be surrounded by load of rubbish (8) DETRITAL - of rubbish (def) from TRIT(e) (Almost routine) to be surrounded by DEAL (load) 6 Slim quality of queen with not so much about her (8) LEANNESS - Slim quality (def) from ANNE (queen) with LESS (not so much) about her 7 And finally, persist with bottles aunt shattered (4,3,3,5) LAST BUT NOT LEAST - And finally (def) from LAST (persist) with BOTTLES AUNT* (shattered) 8 Excited children holding bag up for Africans (10) HOTTENTOTS - Africans (def) from HOT (Excited) TOTS (children) holding TEN (bag=NET up) 12 Sounds like red French boss's cooker (6,4) COMMIS CHEF - cooker (def) from COMMIS homophone (Sounds like) of COMMIE (red) CHEF (French boss) 15 Intro for record U2 extended initially (8) PROLOGUE - Intro (def) from PRO (for) LOG (record) UE (U2 Extended initially) 16 Spectator, maybe, seeing amazing cock-up before end of game (8) MAGAZINE - Spectator, maybe (def) from AMAZING* (cock-up) before E (end of game) 19 Drives back agent and golfer (6) REPELS - Drives back (def) from REP (agent) and ELS (golfer=Ernie Els) 20 Winger making move about one (6) BUDGIE - Winger (def) from BUDGE (move) about I (one) 22 Tick over papers supported by the French (4) IDLE - Tick over (def) from ID (papers) supported by LE (the French)