Hubble Crossword 50 - Annotated solution *=Anagram ACROSS 1 Film deadpan alien (7) BLANKET - Film (def) from BLANK (deadpan) ET (alien) 5 Diplomatic skill not quite complete (7) TACTFUL - Diplomatic (def) from TACT (skill) FUL(l) (not quite complete) 9 Female graduate hugging socialist(5) BREDA - Female (def) from B A (graduate) hugging RED (socialist) 10 Setter's left one in Paris to beg (9) IMPORTUNE - beg (def) from IM (Setter's) PORT (left) UNE (one in Paris) 11 Down under unknown bloke on broken dais delivering Keats' sonnet(10) OZYMANDIAS - Keats' sonnet (def) from OZ (Down under) Y (unknown) MAN ( bloke) on DAIS* (broken) 12 Online holiday company's case (4) ETUI - case (def) from E (Online) TUI (holiday company) 14 Unmoved still following England's opener (11) EMOTIONLESS - Unmoved (def) from MOTIONLESS (still) following E (England's opener) 18 Mail boat possibly supplying scissors for one (5-6) PAPER-CUTTER - scissors for one (def) from PAPER (Mail) CUTTER (boat) possibly 21 Musical jazz fans (4) CATS - Musical (def) jazz fans (def) 22 Edge of roof falls by bugs (10) EAVESDROPS - bugs (def) from EAVES (Edge of roof) DROPS (falls) 25 Drink producers offering cheese-bearing jug to old Bob (9) BREWERIES - Drink producers (def) from BRIE (cheese) bearing EWER (jug) S (old Bob) 26 Fabric demonstrated by agent in church (5) CREPE - Fabric (def) from REP (agent) in CE (church) 27 Mike ran amok in food container (7) RAMEKIN - food container (def) from MIKE RAN* (amok) 28 Misrepresent detective's wrongdoing (7) DISTORT - Misrepresent (def) from DIS (detective's) TORT (wrongdoing) DOWN 1 Jeer restriction about primate(6) BABOON - primate (def) from BOO (Jeer) with BAN (restriction about) 2 Animal expressing acknowledgment at sea (3-3) AYE-AYE - Animal (def) expressing acknowledgment at sea (def) 3 A baker also cooked for tree-dwellers (5,5) KOALA BEARS - tree-dwellers (def) from A BAKER ALSO* (cooked) 4 A dart thrown by Oriental gang (5) TRIAD - Oriental gang (def) from I (A) DART* (thrown) 5 Hedge trimmer best one to play sitar (9) TOPIARIST - Hedge trimmer (def) from TOP (best) I (one) SITAR* (to play) 6 Character of Queen perhaps (4) CARD - Character (def) Queen perhaps (def) 7 Quantity free to UN organisation (8) FOURTEEN - Quantity (def) from FREE TO UN* (organisation) 8 Slyest clergyman losing head under shelter (8) LEERIEST - Slyest (def) from (p)RIEST (clergyman losing head) under LEE (shelter) 13 Presents reductions differently (10) INTRODUCES - Presents (def) from REDUCTIONS* (differently) 15 Applause captivating first of unsurpassed layers in egg production (9) OVULATION - egg production (def) from OVATION (Applause) captivating UL (first of Unsurpassed Layers) 16 Key location where alien may get a drink? (5-3) SPACE-BAR - Key (def) from location where alien may get a drink? 17 Winning, small group gain right to be nearer the source (8) UPSTREAM - to be nearer the source (def) UP (Winning) S (small) TEAM (group) with R (gain right) 19 Do without warning over game (6) FOREGO - Do without (def) from FORE (warning) over GO (game) 20 A smell rising (6) ASCENT - rising (def) from A SCENT (smell) 23 Relaxed, delighted to have eliminated Poland (5) EASED - Relaxed (def) from plEASED (delighted to have eliminated Poland) 24 Additional benefit top executive director took finally (4) PERK - Additional benefit (def) from last letters (finally) of toP executivE directoR tooK