Hubble Crossword 40 - Annotated solution *=Anagram ACROSS 1 Flyers' coats wrapping a woman (6) MACAWS - Flyers (def) from MACS (coats) wrapping A W (woman) 4 Electronic sounds from head of bed disturbing sleep (6) BLEEPS - Electronic (def) from B (head of bed) SLEEP* (disturbing) 9 Declaration of consent to union with Latin superstar (4) IDOL - superstar (def) from I DO (Declaration of consent to union) L (Latin) 10 Keen to fix before creating tension (4-6) NAIL-BITING - creating tension (def) from BITING (Keen) following NAIL ( to fix before) 11 First of energetic blows breaking joints (6) ELBOWS - joints (def) from E (First of energetic) BLOWS* (breaking) 12 Fastest try after run (8) FLEETEST - Fastest (def) from TEST (try) after FLEE (run) 13 Singer Rita meeting policitcians in chapels (9) ORATORIES - chapels (def) from ORA (Singer Rita) meeting TORIES (policitcians) 15 Wingers ignoring last of manager's demands (4) BIDS - demands (def) from BI(R)DS (Wingers ignoring last of manager) 16 Nobody inside Parthenon exhibition (4) NONE - Nobody (def) from inside PartheNON Exhibition 17 Precious metal first to go on board, then bullion (5,4) WHITE GOLD - Precious (def) from WHITE (first to go on board) GOLD (bullion) 21 Cricketer at that lady's town losing wicket (8) ATHERTON - Cricketer (def) from AT HER (that lady) TO(w)N (town losing wicket) 22 Work party (6) LABOUR - Work (def) party (def) 24 Older Lancashire town reportedly producing fruit (10) ELDERBERRY - fruit (def) from ELDER (Older) BERRY homophone (reportedly) of BURY (Lancashire town) 25 Bearing left in front of animal shelter (4) LAIR - animal shelter (def) from AIR (Bearing) L (left in front of) 26 In France it's said the woman makes stew (6) DITHER - stew (def) from DIT (In France DIT means "it's said") HER (the woman) 27 Material from second musical (6) MOHAIR - Material (def) from MO (second) HAIR (musical) DOWN 1 Dud mostly chewed by tooth in segments (7) MODULAR - In segments, (def) from DU (dud mostly) in (chewed by) MOLAR (tooth) 2 Boss holding beginners instrument (5) CELLO - instrument (def) from CEO (Boss) containing (holding) LL (beginners) 3 Turns over royal castle (7) WINDSOR - castle (def) from WINDS (Turns) O (over) R (royal) 5 Threw up highball on cot (6) LOBBED - Threw up (def) from LOB (high ball) BED 6 Granting permission to get inn lit up (9) ENTITLING - Granting permission to (def) from GET INN LIT* (up) 7 Transgressions getting employment in channels (7) SINUSES - channels (def) from SINS (Transgressions) getting USES (employment) 8 Songs entertaining cheeky Frenchman coming up to get fragrance enhancers (3-10) AIR FRESHENERS - fragrance enhancers (def) from AIRS (Songs) containing (entertaining) FRESH (cheeky) ENER (Frenchman coming up) 14 Examination involving ultimate ruler is most gentle (9) TENDEREST - most gentle (def) from TEST (Examination) containing (involving) END (ultimate) ER (ruler) 16 Disturbed having scored about 50 (7) NETTLED - Disturbed (def) from NETTED (scored) about L (50) 18 Hunter's admonition to get agreement on house (5-2) TALLY-HO - Hunter's admonition (def) from TALLY (agreement) HO (house) 19 More disgusting oil user stirred (7) LOUSIER - More disgusting (def) from OIL USER* (stirred) 20 Second menu in bay accomodation? (6) STABLE - bay accomodation (def: bay=horse) from S (Second) TABLE (menu) 23 A lab's variegated wood (5) BALSA - wood (def) from A LAB'S* (variegated)