Hubble Crossword 38 - Annotated solution *=Anagram ACROSS 1 Silly old boy taking note about America (6) OBTUSE - Silly (def) from OB (old boy) taking TE (note) about US (America) 5 Instruction to unruffle feathers? (4,4) CALM DOWN - Instruction to unruffle feathers (cryptic def) 9 One hundred sheep swathed in organic light amplified by eight (8) OCTUPLED - amplified by eight (def) from C TUP (One hundred sheep) contained (swathed) in OLED (organic light) 10 Leading Manchester club manager on street having bother (6) MOLEST - bother (def) from M (Leading Manchester) OLE (club manager) on ST (street) 11 Eastern city mentioned in paragraph (4) AGRA - Eastern city (def) from mentioned in parAGRAph 12 Roddenberry maybe getting share of power production (10) GENERATION - power production (def) from GENE (Roddenberry maybe) getting RATION (share) 13 Cruisers' dogs (6) BOXERS - Cruisers' (def) dogs (def) 14 Aquatic plant in fish shop (8) EELGRASS - Aquatic plant (def) from EEL (fish) GRASS (shop) 16 Produce last monarch holding information (8) ENGENDER - Produce (def) from EN_D ER (last monarch) holding GEN (information) 19 Prune I digested not ready to eat (6) UNRIPE - not ready to eat (def) from PRUNE I* (digested) 21 Have a puff before shock announcement of potentially being fired? (5,5) SMOKE ALARM - announcement of potentially being fired (def) from SMOKE (Have a puff) before ALARM (shock) 23 Wrong men in island races (4) TORT - Wrong (def) from OR (men) in TT (island races) 24 Vikings' sign protecting street (6) OSTMEN - Vikings (def) from OMEN (sign) around ST (street) 25 A Scotsman drinking nearly two pints, one working in marine exhibition in Florida for example (8) AQUARIAN - one working in marine exhibition in Florida for example (def: Americans call aquarium staff aquarians) from A IAN (Scotsman) containing (drinking) QUAR(t) (nearly two pints) 26 Green condition without ribs (8) ECOSTATE - without ribs (def: descriptive of leaves without ribs) from ECO (Green) STATE (condition) 27 Layer concealing a small bit of three-leaved rush (6) HASTEN - rush (def) from HEN (Layer) concealing A S (small) T (bit of Three-leaved) DOWN 2 Notes supporting action in film? (10,5) BACKGROUND MUSIC - (cryptic def) 3 Screech of tribesman losing head recently (7) ULULATE - Screech (def) from (Z)ULU (tribesman losing head) LATE (recently) 4 Praised record held by European Union side in disarray (9) EULOGISED - Praised (def) from LOG (record) held by EU (European Union) SIDE* (in disarray) 5 At end of movement cycles oddly round Middle Eastern port (7) CADENCE - At end of movement (def) from C_CE (CyClEs oddly) round ADEN (Middle Eastern port) 6 Island forest-dwelling animal hybrid swapping top and bottom halves beforehand (5) LEMUR - Island forest-dwelling animal (def) from LEMU (MULE - hybrid swapping top and bottom halves) R (beforehand - R=right hand) 7 Shuffle off afterwards reportedly to get stretcher (7) DILATOR - stretcher (def) from homophone (reportedly) of DIE (Shuffle off) afterwards (LATER) 8 Working wonderful horse beneath one side of bridge in resort (6,5,4) WESTON-SUPER-MARE - resort (def) from ON (working) SUPER (wonderful) MARE (horse) beneath WEST (one side of bridge) 15 Gasbag's flamboyant opening (9) LOUDMOUTH - Gasbag (def) from LOUD (flamboyant) MOUTH (opening) 17 Half of 21 is circulated to races above 66° (7) ESKIMOS - races above 66° (def: Arctic region natives) from *SMOKE (Half of 21) IS (circulated) 18 Fervent valet essentially delivering supposedly superior beverage (4,3) REAL ALE - supposedly superior beverage (def) from REAL (Fervent) vALEt essentially 20 Answers concerning 23s (7) RETORTS - Answers (def) from RE (concerning) TORTS (23s) 22 Holding breath in America when a pane is shattered (5) APNEA - Holding breath in America (def) from *A PANE (is shattered)