Hubble Crossword 26 Annotated Solution ACROSS 7 Damages instrument testing exploratory surgical openings (8) VIOLATES - Damages (def) from VIOLA (instrument) TES (Testing Exploratory Surgical openings) 9 Gratitude of Philadelphia actor losing badge (6) THANKS - Gratitude (def) from T(OM) HANKS (Philadelphia actor) without (losing) OM (badge) 10 Pious type axes Chicago rockers (4) STYX - Chicago rockers (def) from ST (Pious type) YX (axes) 11 Route across water to biggest dish? (4,6) MAIN COURSE - biggest dish? (def) Route across water (def) 12 Turned into river controlled by social worker (6) BECAME - Turned into (def) from CAM (river) in (controlled by) BEE( social worker) 14 Bush, naked maybe, sees fall broken (8) LEAFLESS - Bush, naked maybe (def) from anagram (broken) of SEES FALL 15 Unhappy leader, one who likes causing pain (6) SADIST - one who likes causing pain (def) from SAD (Unhappy) IST (leader) 17 Emotional going to new address (6) MOVING - Emotional (def) going to new address (def) 20 Macabre broadcast got a little bigger (8) GRUESOME - Macabre (def) from homophone (broadcast) of GREW SOME (got a little bigger) 22 Fool coming back holds Turkish titles (6) PASHAS - Turkish titles (def) from PAS (Fool=sap coming back) HAS (holds) 23 Belts around these frequently with Spooner's adulterated alcoholic drinks reportedly (10) WAISTLINES - Belts around these frequently (def) from Spoonerism and homophone (reportedly) of LACED WINES (Spooner's adulterated alcoholic drinks) 24 Writer's lentil dish has change of essential ingredients (4) DAHL - Writer (def) from D(HA)L with HA swapped (lentil dish has change of essential ingredients) 25 Women's group gone crazy for duck (6) WIGEON - duck (def) from WI (Women's group) and anagram (crazy) of GONE 26 Oven model with hoops first in restaurant inventory (8) TANDOORI - Oven (def) from T (model) AND (with) OO (hoops) RI (first in Restaurant Inventory) DOWN 1 Ruffle officer's hair (7) DISTRESS - Ruffle (def) from DIS (officer's ) TRESS (hair) 2 Infectious illness's unknown flow (4) FLUX - flow (def) from FLU (Infectious illness) X (unknown) 3 Eye problem stopping setter's rise in green block (6) STYMIE - green block (def=when an opponents ball is between player's ball and the hole, this is a stymie) from STY_E (Eye problem) containing (stopping) MI (setter's=I'M reversed (rise)) 4 Thus catching feline going up and down to play abruptly (8) STACCATO - to play abruptly (def) from S_O (Thus) containing (catching) TACCAT (feline going up and down) 5 Informal neckwear for those injured (10) CASUALTIES - those injured (def) from CASUAL (Informal) TIES (neckwear) 6 Russian orders sake cocktail in America (6) UKASES - Russian orders (def) from KASE anagram (cocktail) of SAKE in US (America) 8 Protection thrown around line (6) SHIELD - Protection (def) from SHIED (thrown) around L (line) 13 Dons taking drug following promotion for recipients (10) ADDRESSEES - recipients (def) from DRESSE_S (dons) containing E (drug) after (following) AD (promotion) 16 Tax terrrain north of the border (8) SCOTLAND - north of the border (def) from SCOT (Tax) LAND (terrrain) 18 Sang about the lady's teeth commonly (8) GNASHERS - teeth commonly (def) from GNAS reversal (about) of SANG HERS (the lady's) 19 Tape UN recipe for food(6) PEANUT - food (def) from anagram (recipe) of TAPE UN 21 Entertainer's assistant in broad I explored (6) ROADIE - Entertainer's assistant (def) contained in bROAD I Explored 22 Reveal all after mail handler's sitting (6) POSING - sitting (def) from SING (Reveal all) after PO (mail handler - Post Office) 24 Entrance doctor with rings (4) DOOR - Entrance (def) from D__R (doctor) containing (with) OO (rings)